
4 Ways To Prevent A Data Breach In Your Company

Data security plays a crucial role in the running of a business. This is one of the reasons companies today are willing to pay top dollar to ensure their data is safe. With crippling data breaches on the rise, it would be wise to take the necessary measures to keep hackers and other malicious people out. An excellent example of companies affected by a cyberattack is Careem; the data breach affected more than 14million users in Dubai. Although no company is immune to some of these attacks, taking the appropriate measures to safeguard company data and network security would go a long way in keeping you in business. Trident Assurance Services outline 4 cost-effective ways to protect your company data.

1. Introduce Role-Based Access Control (RBAC)

According to Kaspersky, a global cybersecurity company, most cybercriminals will target employees with the intent of penetrating the business network. This is because the company employees have access to the company systems and computers. For this reason, company managers should introduce a system whereby only authorised employees can access certain forms of data. Anyone that wishes to access sensitive data will, therefore, have to seek permission from superiors.

The RBAC (Role-based access control) provides an effective method of determining who can access what data in the company. Access to such information is controlled and monitored. This means only authorised persons will access such data, with the system taking logs of everything the person does on the data or computer. The system also allows you to restrict data access based on clearance and levels in the business. The best thing with this type of solution is that it requires very little maintenance and keeps your data safe from prying eyes. You can also have an RVAC system created based on your company’s specific needs and clearance. The first step to ensuring data security in the company is by password protecting every software, app, and even hardware that each employee uses.

2. Consider Remote Server Monitoring

Server downtimes can be costly to the business. Although you might have an in-house IT team monitoring the servers, most incidents happen when you least expect them. One of the best ways to prevent, and even resolve a server downtime is by having the servers monitored remotely and in real-time. This way, any issues with the server will be resolved and addressed remotely to avoid farther downtimes. Although an in-house IT team might be good at their job, using the services of a Managed IT services provider (MSP) ensures your servers are monitored closely all day, every day. With server monitoring delegated to the service provider, the IT staff can focus on more important tasks to help keep the systems secure and updated. Some of the best MSPs in the industry receive immediate notifications if an attempt is made on the server, and respond appropriately to the same.

3. Make Regular Data Backups and Recovery,

Installing firewalls and other security measures aren’t enough to keep your company data safe. You need to ensure the data will be secure in the event of a natural disaster, power outage, server crash, a deliberate attack, and even a human error by conducting regular data backups. Data backups offer data continuity should the worst happen, hence a buffer between the company and such disasters. Here are a few strategies to consider to safeguard the company data.

a. Plan and test responses to the various known types of failures and breaches
b. Have the database environment configured for backup and recovery
c. Create a backup schedule
d. Ensure the backup and recovery environment is monitored at all times
e. Troubleshoot any backup issues
f. Recovering from a data loss
While your team might be capable of handling all these, having a dedicated team of specialists take care of the regular backups remotely, or via an automated system would be a wiser idea. Regular data backups help keep your data safe and up-to-date.

4. Consider Endpoint and Edge Protection Software

Endpoint protection software provides an extra layer of protection by preventing accidental data breaches by blocking access to malicious and unsecured web pages. This software is meant to protect laptops, desktops, servers, smartphones, and other connected devices from malicious scripts and codes. Edge protection software, on the other hand, helps block unwanted content, and especially unsolicited emails and websites from getting through to your network and other systems. The software disables and filters these sites and emails automatically thus eliminating the risk of an employee clicking on a phishing link.